I don't often see Hector, but when I did, it was mostly in the day. I don't recall seeing him out in the waters when I am back from work every night. His disappearance act almost fooled me into thinking it was dead. As for Herman the electric blue Hermit Crab, he has been quite active and I am beginning to like him. But tomorrow is time for him to be transferred to my office Pico to help manage the hair algae problem. The poor seahorses were almost bleached white and I wonder how long more they can take it before giving up.
Today I also did what I wanted to do for a while. I didn't manage to buy the green and blue Daisy Polyps that I set out to buy but instead purchased a Sympodium coral, a small rock of red Goniopora and a mixed fluorescent and brown hammer coral and rescaped both tanks. Some of the corals are definitely not happy with me and I am still not pleased with the look for both tanks but it would do for now.
In the 27 litres pico tank 1, there are a few gaps for me to add some interesting stuff later. One is at the left hand bottom corner and one is at the right hand top corner behind the GSP. Both GSPs are not opening up fully but the 2 fluorescent Gonioporas are opening up quite well as I am typing this. When comparing the 2 plates of Sympodium corals, it is apparent that the original plate in this tank is quite bare. This was what I meant when I opined in a previous post that I suspect the Sexy Shrimps were behind this.
The 56 litres pico tank 2 was a mess and I had to clear up the rock of green bubble macroalgae. I transferred the brown mushroom finger coral to this tank and am certain the easy going coral would grow well here. What is interesting is I saw 2 small red corals on the rock although I do not know what they are. The Sympodium plate is definitely looking much fuller and better here. Let's see when it would fully open up. As for the hammer coral, it is still pretty much shrunk up and I am unable to capture its full colour. I guess patience is the key now. And oh, I managed to clear the 2 bubbles on the Zoa plate in this tank but unfortunately dislodged the 1 bubble in tank 1. I hope I won't get a bubble algae outbreak in tank 1.
Well, I will update again in a few days time when things are more stable.
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