There are no significant changes to the aquarium setup because I had no time to make much new acquisitions or changes. However, I did get a few new sos and a flame angel. I thought I could form pairings of my fishes, from the damsels, to clownfish, to royal grammar but I didn't succeed with the flame angels. As soon as I released the smaller flame angel into the aquarium, the bigger went after it relentlessly. So now it is, in the makeshift basket until I don't know when. Fortunately, it was jittery at first but started to feed on the pellet food.
Maybe I will have a few more tries again.
Aquarium 3 (3 x 1.5 x 1.5 feet and sump - 250 litres)
The livestock update is as follows:
- Fishes
- 2 Blue-yellow Damsels
- Flame Angel
- 2 Royal Grammas
- Yellow Clown Goby
- Yellow Tang
- 2 False Clown Fish
- Invertebrates
- Turbo and Nassarius snails
- 3+1 Sea Urchins
- Corals
- Horn Coral
- 2 green Poccillopora and 3 frags
- orange Cyphastrea
- red Acropora digitata and 4 frags
- 2 green Poccillopora frags
- red Montipora
- red/brown Poccillopora
- 2 pink Birdnest
- green branching Stylophora
- beige/purple Montipora plate
- blue Acropora browned out
- Acropora valida
- 2 Radioactive Birdnest frags
- red Montipora plate
- Hammer Coral (purple green)
- green Candy Cane
- Duncan Coral
- yellow Torch Coral with one head left
- Bubble Coral
- green Goniopora
- green/brown Frogspawn Coral
- green Elegance Coral with blue tip
- red Brain Coral that bleached
- green Frogspawn Coral
- green Plate Coral
- orange Plate Coral
- Mushrooms
- green Ricordea yuma mushrooms
- red mushroom
- green mushroom
- Soft Corals
- Chilli Coral
- Toadstool Leather Mushroom with luminous polyps
- luminous green Tree Coral
- pink Rose Bud Tip Anemone
- green Tree Coral
- Polyps
- purple Zoas
- Fiery Red Zoas
- 5 assorted Zoas
- 2 green Palythoa
- 4 types of green Star Polyps and
- 3 gold Clove Polyps
- pink Zoas
- green base purple skirt Paly
- green base brown skirt Zoas
- orange Zoas
- Sympodium
- Organ Pipe Coral with sea squirts
- Macroalgae (in sump)
- red Bamboo
- green Bubble algae
- Jecod Marine DC Pump DCS-7000 return pump
- Aqua Illumination Hydra 52 HD
- Sanrise Aqua Pro (without wifi) 30 cm
- Hailea HS-66A chiller
- Skimz SN143 skimmer
- Two Little Fishes Phosban Reactor running Phosguard
- Two Little Fishes Phosban Reactor running NP reducing biopellets
- Jebao Cross Flow CP 25
- Jebao WP 25 Wavemaker
- Tunze Nano Osmolator
- Marine Magic Triplet Dosing
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